# After editing this file, you MUST afterward run # /tools/update-locked-requirements to update requirements/dev.txt # and requirements/prod.txt. # See requirements/README.md for more detail. # Django itself Django==2.2.* # needed for Literal, TypedDict typing-extensions # Backport of @dataclass dataclasses;python_version<"3.7" # Needed for rendering backend templates Jinja2 # Needed for markdown processing Markdown importlib-metadata;python_version<"3.8" # for Markdown Pygments hyperlink jsx-lexer # Needed for manage.py ipython # Needed for Image Processing Pillow # Needed for building complex DB queries SQLAlchemy # Needed for password hashing argon2-cffi # Needed for S3 file uploads boto3 # Needed for integrations defusedxml # Needed for LDAP support # Using our fork for the feature of searching users by email. # https://github.com/django-auth-ldap/django-auth-ldap/pull/150 for monitoring # progress on merging this upstream. https://github.com/zulip/django-auth-ldap/archive/e26d0ef2a7ff77ab3fdd7b6578a76081f780778c.zip#egg=django-auth-ldap==2.0.0zulip1 # Django extension providing bitfield support django-bitfield # Django extension for sending data to statsd django-statsd-mozilla # Needed for Android push notifications python-gcm # Needed for the email mirror html2text httplib2 # Forked to avoid pulling in scipy: https://github.com/mailgun/talon/issues/130 https://github.com/zulip/talon/archive/7d8bdc4dbcfcc5a73298747293b99fe53da55315.zip#egg=talon==1.2.10.zulip1 # Needed for hipchat import hypchat # Needed for inlining the CSS in emails premailer # Needed for JWT-based auth PyJWT # Needed for including other markdown files for user docs markdown-include # Needed to access rabbitmq pika # Needed to access our database psycopg2 --no-binary psycopg2 # Needed for memcached usage python-binary-memcached # Needed for compression support in memcached via python-binary-memcached django-bmemcached # Needed for zerver/tests/test_timestamp.py python-dateutil # Needed for timezone work pytz # Needed for redis redis # Needed to parse source maps for error reporting sourcemap # Tornado used for server->client push system tornado==4.* # https://github.com/zulip/zulip/issues/8913 # Fast JSON parser # Forked for an issue related to unpaired Unicode surrogates: # https://github.com/zulip/zulip/issues/6332, https://github.com/esnme/ultrajson/pull/284 https://github.com/zulip/ultrajson/archive/70ac02becc3e11174cd5072650f885b30daab8a8.zip#egg=ujson==1.35+git # Django extension for serving webpack modules django-webpack4-loader # Needed for iOS push notifications apns2 python-twitter # To parse po files polib # Needed for cloning virtual environments virtualenv-clone # Needed for reading json as stream ijson # Needed for link preview beautifulsoup4 pyoembed python-magic # The Zulip API bindings, from its own repository. We integrate with # these tightly, including fetching content not included in the official # PyPI release tarballs, such as logos, assets and documentation files # that we render on our /integrations page. Therefore, we need to pin # the version from Git rather than a PyPI release. Keeping everything in # one repository simplifies the process of implementing and documenting # new bots for new contributors. https://github.com/zulip/python-zulip-api/archive/0.7.0.zip/#egg=zulip==0.7.0_git&subdirectory=zulip https://github.com/zulip/python-zulip-api/archive/0.7.0.zip/#egg=zulip_bots==0.7.0+git&subdirectory=zulip_bots # Used for Hesiod lookups, etc. py3dns # Install Python Social Auth social-auth-app-django social-auth-core[azuread,saml] # For encrypting a login token to the desktop app cryptography # Needed for messages' rendered content parsing in push notifications. lxml # Needed for 2-factor authentication django-two-factor-auth[phonenumberslite] twilio # Needed for processing payments (in corporate) stripe # Needed for serving uploaded files from nginx but perform auth checks in django. django-sendfile2 # For checking whether email of the user is from a disposable email provider. disposable-email-domains # Needed for parsing YAML with JSON references from the REST API spec files yamole # Needed for signing thumbnail requests so that they can be authenticated on the # other end. libthumbor # Needed for string matching in AlertWordProcessor pyahocorasick # Needed for function decorators that don't break introspection. # Used for rate limiting authentication. decorator # For server-side enforcement of password strength zxcvbn # Needed for sending HTTP requests requests[security] requests-oauthlib # For OpenAPI schema validation. openapi-core